11 Aralık 2015 Cuma

Star Wars ve Kendo

Bu günlerde vizyona girecek olan yeni Star Wars(Yıldız Savaşlar) filmini hepimiz heyecanla bekliyoruz. Sanırım Yıldız Savaşları hikayesinin Kendo'dan nasıl etkilendiğini anlatan bu güzel videoyu paylaşmanın tam zamanı.

Not:Aynı videoyu sol taraftaki Videolar bölümünden bulabilirsiniz.

5 yorum:

  1. Good. Later ı will show the bufai menekon, called in A Şibu MUTA, THE SWORD OF A GOOD MAN. A TİNUBU MUNŞU. PLAYED IN KENDO, BUT SWORD İS PEN. P İS BALANCE, E İS AİR, N İS NATURE. PEN İS A PRACTİCE OF FINDING YOUR NİPU. NİPU İS YOUR REAL SOUL. SAVAGE, PEACEFULL OR HAPPY. ONCE YOU FİND YOUR SOUL, YOU CAN PRACTİCE YOUR BODY WİTH CLASSİCAL KENDO to live in peace with everything. For Do Pen you must find the final sword of man kind in the cave of senu. Senu cave is in the philosophy of Japan called the shogun. The shogun is the place in your chest to see your light. To be a shogun you must find your pen, your sword. Then kendo will lead you to be a samurai.

  2. Bu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.

  3. Life is finding. Kendo is finding. Life is kendo. A man should find good things in life to be a good father to his familly. Finally a good living is starting by pen, going with kendo, finalising with being a good father.

  4. İn star wars, a jedi is a protector. A good father is also a protector. A Jedi means protecture solder of old republic. In the film there is a trick, a relation with father and his son. Then the shinai is working in the film as light of finding. Son is want to find his father. Fathers must be good. İn the film father is bad. Then with the light of life son find his father, son understand his father is a bad man and son kill his bad father. A bad father is killed by his son. Finally a bad father can not reach to be a good man. Always called a bad man. We should find our 3 ways, 1-pen,borning,2-finding good, kendo, 3- to be a good father, to be a light, learn to use shinai. Other wise we will killed by our children as in the star wars film.

  5. A good father should protect his familly. Thanks.
